Episode notes

Episode 3 is out. How exactly did the Gates Foundation make me pro-life? Tune in to find out.

An African Woman’s Open Letter to Melinda Gates: http://www.laici.va/content/laici/en/sezioni/donna/notizie/an-african-woman-s-open-letter-to-melinda-gates.html

New UN terms:

ICPD: International Conference on Population and Development

CSW: Comission on the Status of Women

New Keywords:

Ideological Neo-Colonialism

Cultural Imperialism

Philanthropic Racism

Purchase Uju’s book, “Target Africa” here: Target Africa (via amazon)

Watch Uju’s documentary: Strings Attached (Strings Attached |(stringsattachedfilm.com).

Contact us via email with any and all questions, comments, news bits etc. at focusedonlifepodcast@gmail.com!